Research & Writing Consultant
Supporting scholars’ graduate school journey
Personal But Purposeful
Leer is a McNair scholar alum from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Struggling to find her voice in her own research and writing, she made it a mission to know how to make this process easier for future scholars. Leer has served in multiple research mentorship programs such as SOAR and First-Gen Program that has allowed her to assist fellow researchers in their research writing (academic publication, prospectus, research design).
Write Only What You're Comfortable Sharing
Leer served as a McNair writing specialist at UW-Stout. This has allowed Leer to learn how to support scholars and cemented a newfound passion for speaking about the graduate school admission process and culture in general. She has presented workshops on Writing About Diversity since 2021 at conferences like the Wisconsin Dells SSS/McNair TRiO conference and Wisconsin McNair Research Summit, University of Wisconsin-Superior.
Why Grad School?
Leer was graciously invited by other McNair/TRiO programs to speak and host intensive writing workshops for their scholars as they begin their graduate school admission statement drafts and research project writing. She has spoken to McNair scholar programs in Idaho State University and Eastern Michigan University.